Vera Quinn

Vera Quinn

Inspirational Speech by COO Vera Quinn: Fortune Favors The Bold

August 26, 2016

Choices define our fortune. What choices are you making every day? How will they shape your future? COO Vera Quinn gave this inspirational speech encouraging us to write our own fortunes. “Fortune favors the bold” originates from the Goddess of Luck, Fortuna, who favored people with strength of character, and the gumption to take action [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Cydcor’s President Vera Quinn Explains the Curbass Phenomenon

August 4, 2016

The ability to take rejection and keep moving forward is rare and valuable. Our President, Vera Quinn, explains the effects of losing your attitude when working with customers. Hear her explanation of “curbass” attitude in her own words. [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Vera Quinn Directs a Movie

July 7, 2016

It’s Cydcor President Vera Quinn’s debut performance! Do you think she has what it takes to make it in Tinsel town? Watch as she tries out a new career as a movie director! At Cydcor, we provide exciting opportunities for sales professionals and help them achieve their professional goals. But we also like to have [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

A Day in Cydcor President, Vera Quinn’s, Life

July 6, 2016

What does a successful day at Cydcor look like? Vera Quinn, Cydcor’s President, gives us an exclusive look at her daily agenda to show us the secret to a productive day. You too can have a productive career, like Vera. Check out these amazing opportunities and join the Cydcor team : [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Cydcor CEO Vera Quinn on The Essential Skills Managers Need

July 5, 2016

Throughout a successful sales career, Vera Quinn has discovered management skills that separate good salespeople from great ones. While the typical sales professional may focus on taking control of situations, the extraordinary sales professional practices active listening to discover solutions that meets the client’s needs. Don’t fall into the same trap. The client is looking [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Operation Smile – Day of Smiles 2016

March 28, 2016

Since 2011, Cydcor has partnered with Operation Smile to raise money to make a difference in the lives of children born with cleft palates and other facial deformities in needy areas such as Brazil, Guatemala, Bolivia, and Mexico. Since its inception, Operation Smile has provided more than 200,000 surgeries to children in need all over [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Words to Live By with Executive Vera Quinn

January 20, 2016

It’s impossible to know what the future holds, but Cydcor executive Vera Quinn says by being grateful, being present and unleashing magnificence, we can ensure we’re the best versions of ourselves. More than just words to live by, these are words to thrive by. Following these three principles, Quinn has risen through the ranks at [...]Read More >

Vera Quinn

Put One Foot In Front of the Other Video

November 26, 2013

Get to know more about what motivates Cydcor President and CRO, Vera Quinn. A seasoned executive who has been integral to driving revenue, expanding the client base, and supporting the ranks of the independently owned sales companies, Vera shares a slice-of-life anecdote about joining her beloved husband and their son on a hike—only to meet [...]Read More >

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